The Feldenkrais Method™

Relief and change could be as simple as improving the way we move.

The Feldenkrais Method™ is a gentle movement and attention based approach for self-discovery and change. It is for anyone who wants to reconnect with their natural abilities to move, think and feel with greater ease and confidence.

Whether we want to be more comfortable sitting at the computer, walking, talking to a friend, resting or performing a favorite activity, moving with greater ease makes daily life more pleasurable.

Moshé Feldenkrais’ (1904-1984) elaborated a learning process that guides us to a heightened awareness of self-limiting habits and offers the means to move beyond these restrictions.

This approach is recommended for people of all ages and abilities.

The practice of the Feldenkrais Method™ enables us to:

  • Improve breathing, posture, flexibility and coordination;
  • Reduce muscular holding to alleviate tension and muscular pain;
  • Respond differently to stress, adapt to the changing circumstances of daily life;
  • Overcome limitations brought on by stress, accident or illness;
  • Quiet the mind and improve sleep;
  • Stay active and flexible as we advance in age;
  • Learn integrated, whole body movement for ease and comfort

Feldenkrais is taught in two complimentary forms:

To find out more about the Feldenkrais Method™ and Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais

Feldenkrais™ Private Sessions in Grenoble

Functional Integration™

Functional Integration™(FI) is a one-to-one approach to learning. The practitioner/teacher communicates through gentle, non-invasive touch and precise movements respectful of the person’s comfort.

Functional Integration™takes place lying on a low padded table or in a sitting or standing position, comfortably clothed. Each session is highly personalised for the particular needs of that person at that particular moment. Each session presents a unique learning experience.

Functional Integration™ is widely recognized for its ability to address both minor aches and pains, and serious muscular-skeletal and neurological problems, chronic tension, and the developmental problems of children.

People also come to FI as a preventative measure or to stay mobile and in good health.

If you have a particular question or if you are someone who learns best in one-on-one environments, private lessons may be best for you.

Séances Individuelles - Intégration Fonctionnelle - Grenoble

By appointment 

Rates for private sessions:

1 hour sessions : 60 €   


Salle Résonances : Europole, 22 rue Doyen Louis Weil 38000 Grenoble

Feldenkrais™ Group Classes in Grenoble

Awareness Through Movement™

In Awareness Through Movement™ (ATM) group lessons we engage in gentle, guided movement explorations.

We learn to attend to ourselves in a way that we will be able to let go of excess effort and muscular holding. Our movement naturally becomes more harmonious and fluid. We may feel more relaxed, well balanced, and have a sense of wholeness and renewed vitality.

The lessons are guided verbally, which means that there is no model to imitate and no corrections imposed by the Feldenkrais practitioner/teacher. Rather than attempting to learn the “right way” of doing something, the emphasis is on learning what is appropriate movement for one’s self.

Each person is encouraged to go at their own pace, to listen to their own needs. Thus creating a safe, non-judgemental learning environment.

As adults, by becoming conscious of our bodies in movement, observing sensation, exploring alternatives, we actively engage in self-discovery and improvement.

Awareness Through Movement™ offers an impressive variety of movement situations addressing every area of the body in relation to the whole.

Whether experienced in reclining, sitting, standing, or walking Awareness Through Movement™ is full of surprises, challenges, and the pleasure of learning in new and unexpected ways.

All levels of experience and ability are welcome.

Séances collectives Feldenkrais Grenoble - Awareness Through Movement
Pictures: International Feldenkrais™ Federation Archive, Robert Golden

Weekly class in French:

If you speak French or wish to improve your French through movement classes, please do come. 

Tuesday September 17 : Regular classes begin 

Tuesdays : 12:30 – 13:45

Salle Résonances : Europole, 22 rue Doyen Louis Weil 38000 Grenoble

390 € per year

150 € per trimester

Reduced fee possible for students and low income.

2 monthly workshops in French with possibility of translation in English 2024-25:

Workshops provide an in-depth experience of ourselves and multiple ways of feeling more well-balanced.

The group is limited to 7 participants for a truly personalized and interactive learning experience.

Workshops are for both those who wish to discover Feldenkrais™ and those who wish to deepen and enrich their practice.

Monday morning workshop 9:30-12:30

Espace Rousseau : In the center of Grenoble, 4 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau 38000 Grenoble

September 16

Learning to move with more pleasure- a unifying experience

Octobre 14 

Relieving tension in the neck and shoulders – freeing the head

November 18

Movements for better breathing

December 9

Improving eye and jaw comfort

January 13

At the heart of easy movement- rib flexibility

February 10

A more supple spine

March 10

Greater comfort in sitting

April 7

Resources to improve sleep

May 12

The pelvis-  restoring balance and vitality

June 10

Changing position with serenity- fluid movement at all levels

Wednesday morning workshop 9:30-12:30

Salle Résonances : Europole, 22 rue Doyen Louis Weil 38000 Grenoble

The themes are the same as the Wednesday morning monthly workshop

September 25, October 16, November 20, December 11

January 15, February 12, March 12, April 9, May 14, June 18


the workshops may be explored independently from each other

As the group is limited, pre-registration is required.

40 € per workshop     Reduced rate for the series of 10: 350 €   

Reduced rate of 475 € if you wish to follow 2 monthly workshops 

Reduced fee possible for students and low income.


Home Barbara Ziegler, dancer, movement educator, certified Feldenkrais practitioner, Feldenkrais International Federation (Strasbourg 2000)

My practice in Feldenkrais is informed by a career in contemporary dance and improvisation as well as my practices in yoga, Vietnamese chi gong and meditation.

I am fascinated by movement inquiry and improvement for the sustainable effects that it has on my overall health, sense of well-being and my way of being in the world.

I enjoy creating a space for people of all ages and abilities to learn the art of movement in a variety of contexts:

Universities, dance and yoga studios, Centre de lutte contre l’isolement et de prévention du suicide (suicide prevention center) Prémalliance (social services for the retired), CCAS de Grenoble (social services) AGARO (non-for-profit research and activities for cancer patients)

Moshe Feldenkrais 1904-1984

The Feldenkrais Method™ of movement education was developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais.

Complete biography at

To find out more about the Feldenkrais Method™

Websites in English:

Websites in French: